Can You Teach Yourself How to Play The Piano?

This is a common question that I have been asked over the years. Is it really possible to teach yourself to play the piano? The answer to this question is most definitely. Twenty years ago I had nobody to teach me how to play the piano. I had to use my ears a lot and secretly watch other musicians play so that I could memorize the chords for my practice time. Many of the greatest pianists were self taught. As long as you have a sincere passion for playing the piano and willing to dedicate hours each week to practicing, this will definitively become a reality.

With the evolution of the internet and websites like YouTube, learning how to play the piano has become way easier. During my earlier years while I was learning, I would literally spend hours on the internet gathering as much material as I could so I could improve on my ability and impress my friends. I still do this even until today as you can never learn enough. I however no longer do this to impress my friends but to remain relevant. Music is like technology, it evolves quickly so in order to remain up to date, you have to ensure that you are continuously learning.

I will never lie to you and say it was a walk in the park as there were times when I got frustrated and felt like giving up. However, what kept me going was my passion for the piano.I believe that I was born to do this. Whenever I am playing the piano, I can go for hours without realizing that I am hungry or even feel sleepy.

You will at times get discouraged when you hear the playing ability of other musicians who are way better than you. Many musician can relate to one moment being proud of yourself for the progress you have made then another moment  feeling crushed whenever you hear a more experience piano player. I am here to tell you that this is natural but you have to overcome this phase. Instead of feeling discouraged, look at the musician's ability as a goal that you must achieve. It is good to use other musicians as motivation. Your level of piano mastery is dependent on how hard you are willing to work.

By following certain practice tips you can achieve the level you desire. If I can do it, then you can to!

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